Formulation and analysis of composite structures subjected to mechanical, electrical and high temperature effects, RESPOND (ISRO), 1999 to 2004.
Design and Development of an autonomous mini helicopter , DST, 2005 to 2010.
Fluid Structure Interaction of Parachute System,(ADRDE),2003-2007.
Improve Rail Fastening, (TMRS),2004-2009.
Development of FEA tools and Course for BOSE applications,(BOSECO).
Multi-Scale Analysis Based Modelling of Damage Evolution in Uni-Directional Composite Laminates,(ARDB),2006-2011.
Characterization of Constraint Effect in Evaluating Dynamic Fracture Toughness Based DBTT Using Fem/Numerical Modeling for Plain 9CR-1 Mo Steel,(IGCAR),Kalpakkam,2009-2010.
Development of Continuum Damage Mechanics Model for Cyclic Thermal Stresses,(IGCAR),Kalpakkam,2009-2011